Understanding rules of the nature gives control over itself and the future

I have created Methodolog.com to support companies and scientists in exploring knowledge, in a methodologically and statistically correct way. Knowledge about social and natural reality! It was resulted from early and very wide interests focused on science, methodology and statistics help. These facts directed me into development in mentioned fields of science. Ease and pleasure of acquiring knowledge from those domains makes my work easy and predictable. As a consequence, I’m aware of scientific learning limits, and also limits of my own capabilities. People working for Metodolog.pl are selected by me in a great detail in terms of work motivation, knowledge, competencies and experience. We kindly invite you to get to know us better. After hours, and sometimes during work we are normal people. Below are some terms which we stick to in the context of everyday work.

Statistical identification of phenomena occurrences causes and prediction of these is a scientific and business success.
That’s why learning about the variability of the occurrence of certain phenomena, which depends on the variability of the occurrence of others is a power that enables control over target area of nature, social and economic life.

Our basic task is to restrain data and squeezing them out knowledge.

The ultimate goal is to provide various statistical, methodological and practical solutions for people of science and business.

We provide counseling, knowledge, statistical calculation and analytical solutions.

With us, you will make a breakthrough faster, you will be able to afford to be more proactive and you will take more control over reality and the future.

We don’t talk using equivalents of sentences and we are focused on smallest detail of entrusted problems.

We don’t have huge corporate Customer Service Department, Debt Collection Department or an accountants squadron, but what we do have is a strong, pathologically substantive and detail-oriented team, which carried out advanced projects for companies such as NEW HSE, Blue Media, Kokos.pl, Loan Magazine, CBMTEST, CEBRIS, General Projekt, and also for a fair bunch of scientists and students from universities in Poland and abroad. We kindly invite you to contact us!

They trusted us