Company's head director MA Konrad Hryniewicz

mgr Konrad Hryniewicz


Hryniewicz, K. (2018a) “Efekt zbieżności obrazu produktu z charakterystyką konsumenta a intencją zakupu i chęcią zapłaty,” Handel Wewnętrzny, 6(1), pp. 223–234.

Hryniewicz, K., & Weichbroth, P. (2018). The mediating role of emotions and cognition between participation in social media communities and building trust of the brand. In J. Kowal, A. Kuzio, J. Makio, G. Paliwoda-Pękosz, & P. Soja (Eds.), ICT Management for Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Emerging Economies ( ICTM ) International Conference on ICT Management for Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Emerging Economies (pp. 260–277). Wroclaw: University of Wrocław.

Hryniewicz, K. (2019) “Motivation and Action Control in a Saving Lifestyle,” WSB Journal of Business and Finance, 53(1). doi: 10.2478/WSBJBF-2019-0014.

Hryniewicz, K. A. and Borchet, J. (2019) “Reaching goals through different means: will and cognition in the action of people with low and high action control,” Current Issues in Personality Psychology. doi: 10.5114/cipp.2019.88298.

Hryniewicz, K., Badzmirowski, D. and Borchet, J. (2019) “The Role of Self-convergence Effect in Purchasing Process vs Brand Familiarity on Example of Energy Drink Category in Polish Consumers Conditions,” Marketing i Rynek, 1(6), pp. 15–23. doi: 10.33226/1231-7853.2019.6.2.

Hryniewicz, K. (2020) ‘Efektywność marketingowa reklam sprawczych i wspólnotowych: efekt zbieżności z dążeniowym i wspólnotowym „ Ja ”’, Marketing i Rynek, (2), pp. 14–23. doi: 10.33226/1231-7853.2020.2.2.

Hryniewicz, K. (2020). Why are communal advertisements more effective than agentic ones? The role of the self- congruity effect. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 14(1).

Hryniewicz, K. Grzegorczyk, T. (2020). How different autonomous vehicle presentation influences its acceptance: Is a communal car better than agentic one?. PLoS ONEDOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0238714

Hryniewicz A, Wilczyńska D, Krokosz D, Hryniewicz K, Lipowski M. Well-Being of High-Level Managers during the Pandemic: The Role of Fear of Negative Appearance, Anxiety, and Eating Behaviors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20(1):637.

Kajka, N., Karakuła-Juchnowicz, H., Kulik, A., Szewczyk, P., & Hryniewicz, K. (2023). Stuck in a Rut of Thought—That Is Just a Barrier: Dysfunctional Metacognitive Beliefs, Limitation on Individual Freedom and Well-Being of Adolescents during COVID-19 Lockdown. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health20(6), 5151. MDPI AG. Retrieved from


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